We hope all is well in your part of the world. We are enjoying beautiful Spring weather here in Camp Sherman. Oops….did I say Spring? It is still the middle of Winter. The days are quite beautiful with daytime temps in the mid-50’s. Nights are still below freezing. The grass is green and some folks have seen daffodils and tulips breaking thru the ground. It is just superb for hiking and relaxing. It is also great to get the Spring yard work and clean-up done so early. The weather folks are calling for some wet weather in March. We are hoping for some good snow in the mountains to make an attempt at some kind of snow-pack. We have one frozen pile of dirt and needle filled snow that is left from the November dump. I’ll post that on facebook. While I am on that topic, please like us on facebook!!
Kathy and I went to the NY Gift Show again. We arrived two days after the “Snow Storm of the Century” missed the Big Apple. Yea! There were a couple snow flurries while we were there and it was cold with temps into the teens. Big deal, we used to have that weather in Oregon! We saw a lot of cool goodies at the show and after we spent four days walking the show and wrote a couple dozen orders, we decided that we had accomplished our mission. While there we saw our friends Steve and Jan. We went to The Red Rooster in Harlem with them, had a great time and had an absolutely delicious Cajun breakfast. It is quite the restaurant and quite the story about their chef. We had dinner at Carmine’s one night and Sardi’s the next. Both amazing meals. The Brooklyn Diner is a retro diner and another spot we took in. All their food is great, but their French toast is the best I have ever had. Last year we saw Jerry Seinfeld enjoying breakfast there. It was tough not to be the “typical tourist” and ask for an autograph. We resisted though and left him alone. We had heard that Jon Stewart was out of town. We checked again and ended up scoring tickets to his show. Kathy had made prior arrangements to see a friend that night and I ended up going to the filming by myself. Good fun and great show. Little did we know this was the third show before he would announce his retirement.
The girls are doing well. Lauren is closing in on graduation. She has approximately forty school days until the big ceremony in early May. Those forty days will be the longest and hardest, but a well earned vacation is on her horizon. She is in a great position with a solid job offer with a great company or the opportunity for a Masters Degree program. The results for the Masters program positions will be announced next month. We have some great news in regards to Kelsey. During the Christmas Break, her long time boyfriend Seth went to one knee and asked for her hand. They are planning a Summer wedding, but don’t have a date yet. In the meantime, he has gotten a full time job with the Portland Public School system. They just finished the three day drive (Ugh) from Austin, TX to Portland. The drive went well. No auto issues, no food issues, nothing missing from their cars, and they are still talking. They are two very tired drivers though. Currently she is staying with Lauren, but we are looking for an immediate short time lodging situation leading into long time lodging. If anyone has any lodging options, short or long term, please let us know. Once they are married, they will move in together. She is also on the hunt for a job. If anyone is looking for a very smart, well rounded, happening young lady, please let us know. 541-595-6711
If you haven’t had the chance to visit Camp Sherman this time of year, now is it. The roads are completely clear, the weather great, the river in great shape, dry flies actually working and no big crowds. We still offer the third night free cabin discount on our rental cabin.
Mitch and the rest of the store gang are all doing well. We will have a couple new faces for this upcoming season. We’re looking forward to another “best crew ever”.
Be good, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.
Roger & the Store Gang